261. Getting a dreadfully needed A =)
262. Learning how to learn
263. An email from J
264. Sleepovers with Timmy
265. ESPN while appliance shopping, and all the conversations it inspired with Timmy
266. John offering to help me
267. Trusting John– always!
268. Movies with the whole family
269. The way Dad smiled when he saw my grade!!!
270. Work to do today
271. Rest for the body and soul tomorrow
272. The preciousness of the Sabbath
273. Funny emails that actually make me laugh!
274. Having CONQUERED the Frankenstein paper
275. New babies at church
What was your Frankenstein paper?
No, that was my Chem. test! I don't know my grade for the Frakenpaper, but writing so far hasn't been too hard for me.