Keeping on counting...
334. An afternoon with a friend I haven't seen in a long time.
335. Dutch Blitz
336. Annie being adorable!!
337. Chores–done
338. A violin piece coming measure at a time
339. Conversations I'm looking forward to
340. A pile of good books to read
341. "I understand" type conversations
342. God has plans for everything, and they won't be frustrated
343. New songs to listen to when I run
344. Good news about sports next year
345. Working the church website!
346. Teaching crochet to two (maybe three) willing girls
347. Baby O doing well after surgery!
348. God loves me even when I'm unthankful
349. Christmas music with Mom today
350. Chatting with D
351. A best friend who really understands and loves me anyway
352. Prayers for her
353. Good food...always more of it around...
354. Europe and Asia now outlined on my map project
355. The part of it that S colored
356. (real life, not FB) mutual friends
357. Egg nog for winter
358. A quiet room
359. The Hobbit coming out soon, and all the conversations with H, and A, and C, and K about it
400. Dad caring about my writing
Are these all from today? I've been trying to journal a list like that, but I only found a few things for each day.
I usually only do it every few days, so I have a bunch when I write it. If you do ~3 a day, you'll end up with a thousand a year! =)