
"I am immortal till my work is accomplished." ~David Livingstone

Friday, January 18, 2013

On Wassup...

My dad was laid off from his job on Wednesday. They escorted him out of the high-security part of the building, and he came home to begin searching again. Four years ago, this month, my dad was laid off in Oregon, and after 11 months of searching we moved here to Ohio. Then the blame was on the recession; now the blame falls easily on whoever is making (or not making) decisions in Washington, and making military contractors' jobs unsure. That's easy. Easy to point at them and say, "you did this."

But they're not ultimately the ones who killed my dad's job. God did. God took my dad's job from him, put him on the unemployment list, and made us wonder where we'll live in the next year. God hurt our economy, God put unwise men in charge of our country. And He did it sinlessly!

I don't want a God Who allows bad things to happen.

"Darn, well, I'll allow it this time."

I want a God Who plans the bad things that happen–perfectly, sinlessly.

It is no comfort to say that God allowed my dad to lose his job.

"It might turn out OK."

It is a comfort to know that God made this happen. Because He is perfect, sinless, and all-wise, the things that He plans that hurt us the most can only be for His glory and the ultimate good of His church.

So He can move us, bend us, break us, kill us, and yet He is GOOD.

Now to believe this enough to be happy about this turn of events....


  1. Or He could just leave us in Dayton...

  2. So sorry Rachel! You know our story, we're walking the same road, with the same ups and downs. But I really hope you don't move away! Though we know whatever happens, whether you go or stay, everything is God's will.

    Blessings on you and your family,

    The Middle Sister and Singer
