
"I am immortal till my work is accomplished." ~David Livingstone

Monday, October 29, 2012

Thanksgiving 276-305

276. Finding peace
277. Tweet from Christa Wells– I feel blessed!
278. The meal with K and H and A
279. A "job" offer from church
280. Being called a photographer– for real!!
281. A name for what I'm trying to do!
282. Holding baby A
283. Baby A didn't cry when she was baptized
284. Five baptisms on ONE day (a Presbyterian revival??)
285. New church family members
286. Singing "We Are God's People" in church
287. A pastor who cries– so joyful!
288. The pastor's wife's jokes!!!
289. That I still have orchestra for another year
290. A conductor who makes us laugh– even when I'm staring at the viola section, missing the one who used to lead it
291. That I get to see that first violist sooner than it seems!
292. That I became best friends with that violist, so now I can miss her
293. What she said about missing people being worth having known them, and that she didn't mean that about herself, but it's so true!
294. The Washington friends who live in Cincinnati– oh the memories!
295. Not being ready for this afternoon, but knowing I CAN be ready
296. Being called a perfectionist, and the deep thoughts that produced
297. Not needing to be perfect in everything
298. When I'm not perfect, God forgives
299. He knows my frame, and remembers I am but dust
300. Mistakes turning out okay, and practicing telling myself to calm down– someday I'll listen to myself...
301. A violin teacher who doesn't yell at me, even when I want to yell at myself
302. Food to give energy to conquer this next challenge
303. Playing out in the wind with Timmy
304. East coast friends who face this storm with joy and grace
305. Waiting for messages from people, and how prayer brings answers or peace right away.

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