
"I am immortal till my work is accomplished." ~David Livingstone

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Letter To YOU...

Dear You,

Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for coming faithfully to hear and see my heart out poured. It helps me, and I really hope you are blessed. I pray that this space will be used to glorify God above anything else, though.

Because that is when we are truly blessed– when we seek Him. I hope and pray that you will find that joy, and ask that you pray that I will push toward that goal myself.

You've seen– I am not always joyful, or thankful, or happy, but I WANT TO BE! And writing here helps. I begin desperately lost in my own head and heart, and we all know that the heart is desperately wicked! As I write I am drawn out and up, and begin to see what I ought. Then I try to put that to words.

So, thank you. Thank you for coming along for the journey, and know this: I'm glad you're here.


P.S. Faithful blog-followers, would you consider sharing this blog with someone? Perhaps use the "share" button found at the bottom of each post? Thanks!

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