
"I am immortal till my work is accomplished." ~David Livingstone

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I'm sorry for not writing for a while. I've been sorting through a lot at times, stuff too deep for the Internet. The rest of the time I've been enjoying the fall, school, Thanksgiving prep, and my family. We keep busy.

Here's something you should read and respond to:

What would you like to see here? What do you like to read, and what would you like more of? Let me know what your favorite posts have been, and how I can improve.

And how about a bit of a contest?

To enter: share this blog around. I trust you all, so you tell me how many times and where you share it, and each time will count as an entry.

The prize: Well, I'm on a budget, so the prize is kind of original... You can pick any topic/style/assignment/length of a post you want me to try and write. I will not rest until it is written and posted for you. Have fun, be creative, laugh at me if you want, pry into my life if you so desire, and enjoy!

Entries are to be placed as comments to *this* post, beginning at the moment this is published. The polls will close on Saturday the 24th, one week from today, at 10 pm. Comment each time you share. The drawing winner will be announced on Monday the 26th.

Please share your favorite, previous post; not this one (it isn't very interesting).



  1. I already shared my favorite previous post. =P

    What I like to see here: definitely posts like "On the Death of Saints", posts with spiritual significance that others can completely relate to or learn something from or be encouraged or reminded from.

    What I like to read and what I would like more of: let me ask you a question first. Was this blog created solely for spiritual encouragement and such, or were you going to post at all about interesting things that you do or that happen that have nothing to do with God?


    1. I think you've shared twice? So two entries for Esther!

      I am trying to be well-balanced, and touch on things that aren't spiritual, as well as the spiritual. Believe it or not, I don't always have something deep to write! At times the only deep thoughts I have are just too private for sharing online. I enjoy writing about a variety of things, but this is not where I want to share little nothings. Does that make any sense?? I'm glad to know what posts where good, and what I could improve... Thanks!

    2. That makes sense. =) I would like more pictures most of all and maybe things you have been doing lately that are big enough to share.


    3. Sounds good! I always mean to put pictures up, but it takes more time! Ha! I'll take the time, as it is really fun. :)

  2. Dear Girl,
    My favorite post so far is the Election Day one. I was very encouraged by what I read that day.
    As for sharing, I won't share your page most likely. I'm not that big into doing that. :)
    I love you!
    Mrs. L

    1. Oooh, I'm glad you liked that one! I loved writing it more than others... :)
      I totally understand, and I love you too! You need to come visit!

  3. Hmmm, well I shared your blog with different people, so that's two for me...and let's see what I want to see on your blog, well I think you already know that. :)
